CDE Lightband

Full Time Jobs at CDE Lightband

Below are the employment types used by CDE Lightband. Click on an employment type below to be shown a list of active job listings associated with that employment type.

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Career opportunities come in many forms at CDE Lightband. We strive to promote and hire from within our Utility, but when that avenue is not possible, we look to find the best candidate to join our team and contribute to our overall strategic success.

The best candidates for CDE Lightband are focused upon improving the Clarksville area for our community. They are energetic, skilled and driven to improve the community in which we live, work and play. Our positions fall within a wide area of fields ranging from full-time to part-time positions. We hire in many areas, but generally falling under: Customer Service, Dispatch, Cashier, Engineer, Meter, Operations & Line Work, Broadband & Network Technicians, Fiber to the Home, IT, Broadband Installation, Accounting, Human Resources, Safety, Business Development, & Warehouse.

CDE Lightband is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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